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Letter to myself

You may wonder why you are receiving this letter. It is a gift, a reminder of what you already know but sometimes forget: You are here for a reason.

You are a force. You are a created soul. You are important. If you've ever thought, “I'm just one person,” realize that one person is a lot.

Every human who has ever walked this earth was one person, and each of them left a mark. What will yours be?

And no, there is no need to move mountains. There is only a need to nourish hearts.

And your heart is the first one that needs to be watered. By His words. By His remembrance.

Some of the greatest deeds are things that no human can see. They are deeds of the heart, of the mind. Belief. Certainty. Hope. Optimism. Kindness.

Be kind. To yourself first.

Stop complaining. Stop lamenting over your lack of focus, discipline, vision, progress. Life is a whirlwind, a dream that quickly slips away. Find out what's important to you and do a little bit of it every day. It's that simple.

Focus on today. Yesterday cannot be changed, but today can. See the newness of today like a fresh page. As for tomorrow, it can't be changed by worry and fear. It can only be changed by du'aa.

Comfort your heart with the knowledge that what is yours will (inexplicably) be driven your way, and what is not will not. Don't turn away from opportunity because you are afraid; trust in Allah, walk through the door, and see where it leads.

Be kind to others. Be certain that you don't know their hearts, their circumstances. Pray for them, but don't judge.

Don't forget your family. Strangely, those in front of us are the easiest to neglect. Though they may drive you mad, no one loves you more. Cherish them, and tell them.

See. Really see. See what you have, not what you don't. See what's in your hand, not in the hand of your neighbour. Appreciate it before it's gone.

You are a traveller, passing through this land on your way home. Remember your destination, and follow your map so you don't get lost. As for the journey, make the most of it.

(February 2018)


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